“I have been involved with the Feldenkrais method for several years. I attend weekly classes, and do daily awareness lessons at home. So over time, I have been exposed to many great practitioners. But there seems to be something unique about the series: Creating Space For Your Lungs. Lori Parker’s subtly nuanced, yet exacting style of delivery may well be at the heart of this uniqueness. While doing one lesson in particular (Lesson # 6), I experienced a shift in my nervous system that was both significant and memorable. It left me feeling grateful and eager to explore what else might unfold as I continue doing these lessons over time.”
Christopher Cooper
Retired Chemistry Professor
“Dr. Parker’s introduction alone is an invaluable educational tool. I found the movement lessons equally valuable – even in some ways that I had not anticipated. After the very first lesson, I noticed an expansion that seemed to encompass both my body and mind (perhaps due to the new-found freedom in my breathing). This expansion allowed me to notice something that I had not noticed before. I happened to glance at a thank-you note from a student of mine, and noticed, for the first time, that she had signed it “With love.” At that moment, I was also overcome with a deep sense that my student truly meant it. That too, was new. Somehow, it seems, the lesson had led to an increase in self-awareness, a greater openness, and a new-found freedom, that, in turn, enabled me to see the words I had not seen before. But it also seem to enable me to really sense, at a bodily level, the truth of my student’s words. I am looking forward to the rest of the series and to how the lessons might not only lead to a healthier breathing pattern but also to what else I might be missing!”
Katie Ledsinger
SEP, Classical Pianist
” After an intensely stressful period in my life, I was diagnosed with Oromandibular Dystonia (also known as Spasmodic Dysphonia). The muscles primarily affected were the pterygoid, tongue, platysma and sternomastoid. It was very difficult for people to understand me and that, in turn, led to even more stress.
I was recommended to Dr. Parker because she is highly trained in working with stress related conditions. Soon after we began our work together, she recommended her Feldenkrais series: Creating Space For Your Lungs.
As the result of these lessons, my condition has improved substantially. I have been able to breathe more deeply into areas of my lung that I had not been accessing before starting these lessons. The muscles that were habitually and repeatedly contracting, are much more relaxed. My voice is much less strained and certainly clearer!
Though the stressors which brought on this condition are still in full force, my body does not respond to the stress in the same way it used to. I attribute this in large part to the fact that my breathing patterns are entirely different, due to the lessons in in Dr. Parker’s Lung Series. Sometimes I even experience an entire body calmness which feels almost euphoric.”
Lauren McNearny
Retired Lawyer
“As the result of these lung lessons, I have substantially increased my awareness of the bracing in my body that inhibited a full breath. I am now able to consciously relax the areas of tension and contraction and allow a full breath with minimal effort. Additionally, my stress levels have improved dramatically. This is not because the stressors in my life are less. Rather it is because of the change in my breathing and because of my increased understanding of the feedback loops that Dr. Parker speaks of in the introduction to her series.”
Claire Collins
Landscape Architect
“The lessons in Creating Space For Your Lungs have been immensely helpful for improving my breathing and reducing my stress levels. But the real surprise came when I contracted Covid. I mentioned to my doctor that I thought the lung lessons were helping with the Covid symptoms. I briefly explained to him what the lessons were, and what my responses to the lessons had been. Much to my surprise, he actually said that it made sense that the lessons were helping and he explained why!”
Dana Evans
Communications Facilitator
“I have done Feldenkrais classes with Dr. Parker for many years now. I have other Feldenkrais Series, from Advanced Trainers, as well, that I do at home. But I have to say, both my wife and I agree that there is something unique about Dr. Parker’s lessons and the way she delivers them. Having said that — her Lung Series, Creating Space For Your Lungs, I do believe, is her magnum opus!”
Don Vermeulen
High School Teacher
“After years in a high stress job, I became aware of just how shallow my breathing tends to be. I knew that I could “force myself” to take a deeper breath. But I didn’t really know how to alter my shallow breathing pattern in any kind of permanent or organic manner. Doing these movement lessons leave me hopeful that I can indeed, organically learn how to breathe easier and more deeply than I typically do.
After doing several of the lessons from the Creating Space For The Lungs Series, I began to notice that throughout the day I would spontaneously begin to take in more air than I typically do. It was as if I had some new awareness (perhaps at a subconscious level) of the NEED for more air. I would also notice, throughout the day, that my breathing felt deeper and easier than it typically does.”
Crystal Grover
Retired COO