We offer a 3-Week Sampler Course for you to follow on your own schedule, at your own pace. Explore this unique way to practice mindfulness.

a field of purple flowers with mountains and blue sky behind them
purple flowers at sunset

Below is a selection of testimonials, quotes, and reviews of the 21-Day Sampler Course, titled “Embodied Mindfulness Matters”.  Some of these comments were drawn from written reviews of this course.  Others were taken from spontaneous voicemails left for Dr. Parker at her office, or from spontaneous emails written to Dr. Parker.

“What became even more apparent in Week 2 of this course was how beneficial this course would be for my clients as well as for myself. In fact, I have recommended this course to my clients precisely because the supplemental information and the tools that you provide are immensely re-enforcing of the work I do with my clients. This is a course like no other. And this is a course that can benefit anyone, whether they are working on their own, or working with a therapist.”

Sammie Allen

There is nothing about this course that is not wonderfully designed, ‘put together,’ and presented in a professional manner. If Weeks 2 and 3 are as eye-opening as Week 1, I’m all in! Just raising that simple question: What are you not noticing? . . . led to several new awarenesses,, all of which could shift things for me substantially – both personally and professionally. By raising that simple question, Dr. Parker even, unknowingly, helped me with my acute knee pain! I began to notice what I was not noticing . . . that was adding additional strain to my injured knee.”

John David

“Dr. Parker says in the Preview to this course, that this course is unique. There are many aspects to this uniqueness, but one that struck me, as a body-mind therapist, is her bi-directional approach. I appreciate her focusing on Self-Regulation as an end in itself, and ALSO, as a means to an end (making embodied mindfulness more ‘doable’.)”

Janice Bainsworth

“Week 3 of this course is both a culmination and an extension, of everything that Dr. Parker had set forth in Weeks 1 and 2. The Week 3, Day 6 Introductory Video is masterful! I find listening to it in my car on the way to work every morning extremely powerful! It sets me up for my day, in a way I can’t quite put words to.”

Aaron Bentley

“Thank you, Dr. Parker for waking me up! I will be re-doing this course, no doubt, for the rest of my days as I can see there is far more to discover – far more to uncover. I appreciate you distilling all of your personal and professional experience into this clear, concise format! I sincerely hope others will take advantage of what you have to offer.”

W. S. Casselberry

“A recent checkup revealed that I had high blood pressure, high blood sugar levels, high cholesterol, and high triglyceride levels. I was shocked because I thought I was pretty healthy. But not until this course, did it occur to me that persistent psychological stress could cause ALL of these symptoms. 

After reading the power point, in Week One, Day One of this course, it became crystal clear to me that this was indeed the case. I immediately did some research on-line. This was literally the first thing I found: ‘Chronic stress leads to consistently high levels of stress hormones, which in turn can lead to consistently high blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, and/or triglycerides.’  All to say, Week One of this course has been a real eye opener! It has exceeded my expectations on a number of levels. Thank you for that, for this course, and for the first Self-Regulation Technique!”

Danzel Madison

There are so many moments in this course that really ‘grab’ me, and I find them echoing around my mind as I go through the rest of my day, or my week. As I was watching one of the introductory videos, I really wanted to dismiss this idea of ‘storytelling’ as something that I was SURE I didn’t do… But (surprise, surprise) I realize I do it all the time. Of course, I told myself it was ‘insightfulness’ or some such nonsense that painted it in a positive light, but the anxiety I give myself fretting over things that are simply UNTRUE is really unfair – to myself. Thank you, Dr. Parker, for opening my eyes to that!”

Samantha Jensen

“It’s astounding to me to discover at my age, that the way I have learned to ‘do life’ has been extremely detrimental to my overall health and well-being. It’s astounding to me to discover, at my age, that my ‘story making’ and my inability to set clear boundaries and maintain them has played major havoc with the relationships in my life. All this was going on without my awareness. That seems blatantly clear to me at this point. So, I can’t thank you enough for this course.”

D. Harrison

“Quite honestly, I found this course to be outstanding!  Some of the Daily Introductory Videos, for me, would have been worth the price of the entire course. Week 1, Day 4 and Week 2, Day 2 — come to mind as examples. Bottom line: I am becoming more and more aware of how I respond to life and how I impact both myself and others by behaving UN-mindfully – UN-consciously.  Thank you for taking the time to create this course!”

Michael Andersen

“Dr. Parker’s step-by-step approach, makes it clear that each step of the approach is both simple & necessary (if we are to make a change in the habitual behaviors that no longer serve us). But she also makes it clear that each step can be challenging, in and of itself. This understanding has made it WAY easier for me to not judge myself – to feel more compassion for myself. I feel so grateful that I ran across this course. I see ahead of me a very different life than the one I have CHOSEN to live to date.”

Andrew Dempsey

“I don’t drink or smoke, but after completing Weeks 1 and 2, it became painfully clear that my habits (of body and mind) are like drugs and I am addicted! So, I was extremely grateful that Dr. Parker spent the time in Week 2 to make clear why becoming mindful in this way is extremely challenging for everyone. It helped me to not give up, judge myself, or to think I am just weak-minded and thus incapable of making healthier choices. After Week 2, I am now convinced that I CAN make healthier choices. It was very encouraging.”

Anne Mason

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