Tips for Zoom

  • You can use a laptop, desktop computer, iPad, smartphone!… or any device with a webcam that you can set up using the guidelines below!
  • It may not be possible to accomplish the ideal set-up, but do your best to:
    • Have your device propped up on a surface that is about 15-20 inches off the ground, with the camera angled down towards the space where you will be lying down for the class.
    • The device should be about 3 feet away from you, at your feet (not at your head).  This will allow the teacher to observe you almost exactly as she would at an in-person class.
    • Ideally, you would have enough room to lengthen both of your arms out to the sides at 90-degree angles to your shoulders (as you see in the second photo), but this is not absolutely necessary.
A student lying on the ground, with their arms down along the sides of their body
A student lying on the ground, with their arms out at 90-degree angles to their body
An example of a good Zoom set-up, with a clear image of the student's entire body
An example of a good Zoom set-up, with a clear image of the student's entire body

The next two photos show students attending the same Zoom class.  One has the luxury of a lot of space, but the other is limited by the cabinets on each side of him.  If you are limited on space, you can still attend! The instructor can always help you to adjust, so that you will still benefit from the lesson!

As far as lighting goes, do what you need to do, given your individual situation.  Just keep in mind that the more light you have, the better the teacher can see you.  Seeing you helps the teacher to provide you with feedback, but it isn’t absolutely necessary.  Each student can make their own individual choices.

The final photo shows an example of a student that the teacher cannot see at all, for several reasons (darkness, angle of camera, height of camera, etc.).

An example of a poor Zoom set-up, with a blurry image that does not capture the student