Designed for Effortless, Efficient, Coordinated movement
These lessons (approximately 50 minutes in length) are verbally-directed movement sequences. The whole organism–the nervous system, the musculature, and the skeleton–is engaged in harmonious and focused movement.
These movement lessons can be profoundly settling on a nervous system level. The slow, small movements in these lessons, by their very nature, help to guide you back into a parasympathetic state (a rest and digest state) and out of the sympathetic state (fight/flight).
The movement lessons can also help to re-educate your sensory-motor system. This re-education process can bring you OUT of a habituated body pattern of anxiety and stress (which feeds back into the brain that danger is lurking, even when it is not). And these lessons can help bring you OUT of a habituated (stuck)
emotional state.
But these lessons do so much more than that, so be sure to visit the Benefits section of our website!
Online Movement Class Schedule
6:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m.
on Zoom
8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
on Zoom
These classes are approximately 50 minutes long. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing.
If you have not previously attended a group lesson, please e-mail us at [email protected] at least three days before the lesson, to let us know that you will be coming. This allows the instructor to plan a lesson that is suitable for a beginner. If you have any physical limitations (e.g., “I cannot lie on my right side.”) or if you have chronic areas of pain or tension, please let us know that as well, when you email us.
Class Fees: Two Ways to Pay
Option 1: Drop In
The drop-in fee is $18.00 per class. You simply pay online via PayPal using the following email address: [email protected].
NOTE: Payments must be received at least 24 hours prior to class start time.

Option 2: Pay by Month
DISCOUNTED FEE: For those paying on a monthly basis (at the beginning of each month, for the entire month), the fee is discounted to $15.00 PER CLASS. No refunds. But, if you are planning to attend regularly, THIS IS THE WAY TO GO! Again, you simply pay online via PayPal using the following email address: [email protected].
NOTE: Payments must be received at least 24 hours prior to the first class of the month.
Can't make these times? Do you prefer to have a private on-line class, catered to your specific needs and desires?
That is also possible! Unlike in classes, the instructor can interact with you verbally about what you are experiencing (continuing to modify the lesson for your particular needs). In other words, you can ask questions and have a “back and forth” conversation, which is not the case in the classes. There may be a waiting list for privates, but feel free to inquire.
Important Information for Zoom
If the name displayed on your Zoom account it different from the name that you have used to make your PayPal payment or to correspond with us, please let us know in advance. Otherwise, you will not be admitted as we do not allow unknown persons to join the class. Our Zoom classes have never been “crashed” and the best way to avoid this in the future is to ensure that everyone attending has a recognizable name on their Zoom account.
Tips to help you prepare for your first lesson can be found here, and more information on getting the most from your Zoom lesson can be found here.